
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Record Month

Today at the Wednesday Community Meal we served pasta topped with a sausage tomato sauce and homemade garlic bread.

The fresh baked bread smelled so wonderful and was greatly appreciated. Guests were also offered soup, salad and dessert.
Homemade garlic bread. Making bread from scratch takes time but the results are always worth it.

We always do our best to accommodate the dietary needs of all our guests so for vegetarians we served pasta minus the sausage and oven roasted carrots and beets. The bright vegetables were were kindly donated to us by Food Front Cooperative Grocery in Hillsdale.
Bright roasted carrots.

Oven roasted beets.

We served 329 meals today which makes February 2013 our busiest month to date.  Our first Wednesday Community Meal was served in March of 2008.

At this time last year, serving more than 300 meals during our two hour lunch service would have seemed unbelievable but this month our range was between 329 and 397 meals every Wednesday.

I am so thankful that we have enough food and volunteers and have never had to turn anyone away.

1 comment:

  1. You and your wonderful helpers have a knack for making the available food serve all who show up, and still have tasty and nourishing dishes for them to enjoy. And you probably have been getting better with each passing year - hence the increase in "business". Keep up the good work!
