
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Our Busiest Day

A plate of oven roasted lamb.

Today we served more meals during one service at the Wednesday Community Meal than ever before - 392!

There was a constant line of guests to get in the door until the last half hour of our service.

The large number of guests reflects that this is the fifth and last Wednesday of the month  - the end of the month tends to always be the busiest for us.

Thankfully, we had lots of great food and volunteers and everything worked out.

We served marinated lamb steaks, a side of pasta, rice or potatoes, and soup, salad and dessert.
We marinated the lamb in a mixture of oil, lemon juice, rosemary, garlic, salt and pepper. The result was tender and flavorful.

During the busy service the tired volunteers were energized by a kind guest who poked his head into the kitchen and applauded loud and hard for a minute or two. "Thank you," he said "for everything you do." In that moment, he fed us. 

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