
Monday, December 17, 2012

Savory Rolls

These Savory Rolls make a simple meal of soup and salad special.

They are rolled just like a cinnamon roll but filled with savory ingredients instead of sugar and cinnamon.

I chose to use shredded Parmesan cheese but you could use any kind of cheese you like and/or pesto, olives, herbs, sundried tomatoes—experiment and have fun. You really can't go wrong.

Savory Rolls
(makes 16)
1 cup buttermilk
1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup butter
2 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 package active dry yeast
5 cups flour
1 cup shredded cheese and/or the savory filling of your choice.

In a saucepan, combine the buttermilk, sugar and butter. Heat it over medium heat until the butter is melted. The buttermilk will curdle but that is okay. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl and let it cool until it is lukewarm.
As you can see the buttermilk curdles when it is heated but that's okay.

In another bowl combine 2 cups of the flour with the salt and yeast.

When the buttermilk mixture is lukewarm add the flour mixture and mix until smooth. Add the eggs and mix again. Add the remaining flour 1/2 cup at a time until a soft dough forms. You might not need all of the flour.
After adding 2 cups of flour to the cooled buttermilk mixture, add two eggs and mix well.

Knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic and set it aside to rise for 1 hour or until it is double in bulk.
Cover the dough and let it rise until it doubles in bulk.

Punch down the dough and divide it in half. Roll each half into a rectangle that is about 14 inches long and 12 inches wide. 
Roll half of the dough into a rectangle.

Sprinkle the dough with cheese or the savory ingredients of your choice leaving one inch at the top uncovered. Starting at the bottom, roll the dough up tightly and pinch the edge to seal it closed. Cut the dough into 8 pieces and set them on a greased or parchment lined baking sheet. Repeat with the other half of the dough.
Sprinkle with your filling choice leaving an uncovered border at the top.

Tightly roll up the dough starting at the bottom. Once rolled, pinch the edge to seal it.

Cut the roll into eight pieces. I like to score the roll before cutting to make sure the pieces are evenly sized.

Place the rolls on a greased or parchment lined baking sheet. Let them rise another 30 to 40 minutes before baking.

Let the rolls rise for another 30 to 40 minutes before baking in a 375 degree oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown.

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