
Monday, November 26, 2012

Lollipop Cookies

While making gingerbread snowflake cookies today I had a little extra dough and made these cute lollipop cookies.

If you don't want to use gingerbread, a sugar cookie dough would work just as well. They are deceptively easy to make and super cute.

Here's how to make them:

Roll out cookie dough 1/8 inch thick and cut an equal amount of rounds. Press a lollipop or candy apple stick in the center of half of the cookies.

After baking it will look like this but you need to strengthen it with royal icing.

Pipe royal icing around the stick and cookie.

Top with a cookie and let set until hard and sturdy.

With a piping bag and a #2 tip drizzle icing down the sides of the lollipop cookie.

Also flood the top with icing.

Immediately pipe lines of flood consistency red royal icing around the cookie using a #2 tip. Leave an open space in the center.

Use a skewer to go through the lines in circles starting at the outside and working towards the center.

That's all there is to it. Be sure to let the cookies dry before packaging.

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