
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Writing On A Cake

My daughter Eleanor loves the band "Green Day" and for her 13th birthday requested a cake that looks like the band's "nimrod." album cover.

Eleanor showed me a picture of what she wanted and I was happy to oblige. All it required was a round cake, yellow icing and the word "nimrod." written across the center in black icing.

Writing on cakes used to stress me out. I often found that after I began, the word wasn't centered or sometimes there wasn't even enough room on the cake to finish a word.

Now it doesn't bother me one bit because of this simple trick — Use a skewer to first write on the cake and then trace it with your icing. If it's not what you want, you can easily smooth out the frosting and start again.

So take your time to get it right before you add your icing. It's a simple trick and makes writing on cakes nothing to stress over.

The inspiration for Eleanor's cake.
Bake a cake.
Add your icing.
Use a skewer to trace what you want to write. If you make a mistake, smooth out the icing and start again.
Trace your lettering with the black icing and breath a sigh of relief. That was easy!

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