
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It Takes A Village

A hard working team of volunteers served 327 meals today at the Wednesday Community Meal at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.

I wish I could say I helped but it was one of those days when things don't go as planned and you have to just go with it.

Two hours into preparing the meal, I cut my finger pricking potatoes with a knife. It happened so fast and I was afraid to look but my friends determined I needed medical attention.

Fred and Leah took me to the hospital where I received five stitches and the rest of the volunteer team carried on and did a wonderful job. We arrived back in the kitchen just a few minutes before the end of the meal service and everyone was hard at work.

At the end of the day I am feeling blessed to have such loving and helpful friends. And, from now on I am going to use a fork to prick potatoes.

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