
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

More And More Guests

We served 258 meals today at the Wednesday Community Meal at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.

Last year that number would have seemed unexpectedly high, but not anymore — It's just an average Wednesday.

Our Wednesday lunch total for the month May of this year was 1366 compared to 877 last year.  We are obviously meeting a need that is growing.

What I've noticed this year is a much wider range of guests. We primarily serve the homeless but we also serve the people who live in the low-income housing in the neighborhood and the working poor, just trying to make ends meet. We are even seeing more and more families with young children.

Thanks must be given to our generous donors like Good Sam Hospital, Trader Joe's, Starbucks, Phil's Meat Market, Pizza Schmizza, Baker & Spice, Grand Central Bakery, The Oregon Food Bank and parishioners of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.

It's because of these generous companies and individuals that we don't have to turn anyone away. We can feed everyone who comes to our door.

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