
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Delicious Day

A plate of crispy chicken with baked beans, mushroom ravioli with Swiss Chard and roasted tomatoes.
It was a delicious day at the Wednesday Community Meal at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. We served 204 guests plates of crispy oven roasted chicken and warm peach crisp for dessert.

For side dishes we had roasted tomatoes, green salads, baked beans, rice, mushroom ravioli with Swiss chard and soup. Not every guest got the same accompaniments to the chicken but there were no complaints. Everything was well received. It is a privilege to serve such nice people.

The chicken was especially popular. Before coating it with a breading of panko, flour, cornmeal, seasonings and herbs, we dipped it into a seasoned mixture of milk, lemon juice and oil.  Baking it in a 375 degree oven got it extra crispy and boy did it smell great.



  1. I had reheated the left over stuffed tomatoes and it turned into a tomato-stew-like-object in a bowl! It was great tasting though. :)

  2. I would never have thought of using lemon juice in the wet mixture before coating the chicken. Does it work as a tenderizer? I always have lemon juice on hand, buttermilk...not so much. btw - I love your blog!!!!!

  3. Thank you for reading the blog!
    I used the lemon juice because I didn't have buttermilk which would have been my first choice.
    A good substitute for 1 cup of buttermilk is 1 cup of milk plus 1 tablespoon of either lemon juice or vinegar.
