
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Sweet Wednesday

Cheryl's homemade Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter Cake, plated and ready to be served.
Our service today at the Wednesday Community Meal was slow but sweet.

We served 185 meals, a lower number than usual, but that gave us more time than usual to relax and mingle with our guests.

Cheryl, who is our dessert specialist (every week she whips up a one of a kind treat from pantry donations), took it upon herself to go table to table early on in the service to chat with the guests.

Afterwards, she came into the kitchen pleased to tell me that everyone she talked to was enjoying the meal and that some told her the Wednesday lunch was the highlight of their week — an opportunity to be warm, relax, eat and visit.

I'm so happy to work with volunteers like Cheryl who sincerely care about the well-being of our guests.

Because, if truth be told, the hospitality is just as important as the food. 

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