
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Cookies To Celebrate Spring

The weather today in Portland was so warm and wonderful that I felt a "Happy Spring" cookie was in order.

These cookies came together super fast — just one batch of my favorite cookie dough (see my "Making The Dough" post from March 29th) and one batch of royal icing.

After the cookies have baked and cooled, outline and flood the cookies with royal icing. Use a skewer to help move the icing to fill the cookies.

Let the icing dry for at least one hour. Free hand your flowers, being careful not to drag the tip over the icing. Always let the icing fall into place.

Add a bright colored center and they're done. Leave your cookies out until the icing is completely dry. Depending on humidity this can take up to 24 hours. Once dry, they're ready to wrap and give.
Happy Spring!

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